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Dr David Bobker is the Associate Professor in Risk Management and Director of the Centre for Economics and Risk at the Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST), where he is leading initiatives to enhance research and teaching in these areas as well as the development of software applications for risk analysis, stress testing and econometric analysis. These are based on his unique “inverse risk logic” approach which encompasses reverse stress testing methodologies and a top-down approach to strategic risk management.

Prior to July 2014, he was Head of Risk at the Asian Institute of Finance in Kuala Lumpur, a body set up by Bank Negara Malaysia to promote human capital development in the banking and financial services industry. As the Head of Risk, he conducted research in risk management, designed and delivered training programmes including hands-on operational risk management and Monte Carlo methods as well as the strategic approach to risk management, governance and auditing to directors and C-suite senior managers of major organisations.

He developed the Risk Management Module of Bank Negara’s Financial Institution Directors Education (FIDE) programme in 2009 and 2010, delivering a 2-day training session to board members of most of Malaysia’s banks and insurance companies and subsequently moved to Malaysia in 2010.

He has also been providing risk consultancy services since 2001 – recent assignments include work for the International Finance Corporation (IFC – part of the World Bank) to implement a risk governance and audit framework for one of IFC’s banking clients, and more recently, the development of an econometric model for a large bank.

In his past career, David worked as a senior audit manager and consultant with KPMG and Deloitte. He was also Group Head of Internal Audit of Alliance & Leicester and Norwich Union, both FTSE 100 financial institutions, and was a supervisor and policymaker at the UK Building Societies Commission (now part of the FSA). With a varied career spanning over three decades, David has worked for blue-chip and small organisations, both successful and failed and has observed many fascinating issues worthy of study. He is, therefore, able to share his wealth of experience during the programme, which balances hard technical aspects with equal emphasis on the realities of corporate life. David holds a DPhil in Mathematics from Oxford University. He is a UK (ICAEW) Chartered Accountant and holds the GARP FRM qualification.


60 minutes, either one-on-one or with the board & executive team of a particular company. Prepaid sessions are available at 1,3 & 5 package rates and can be utilised for one particular expert or a combination of multiple experts. Alternatively, you can add on additional hours, as and when required.

You can contact our Advisory Team for any questions you may have, or simply book a 15-minute Free Expert Discovery online session with belinda.chee@icdm.com.my and we will be happy to provide support and advice to the areas of expertise you/your business will require.

As this is an On Demand Virtual Advice & Coaching, individuals/companies can schedule the 60-minute session once a week, every fortnight or month, depending on their needs and also subject to the availability of the experts.

For now, all sessions will be conducted online – through either our Zoom or Webex meeting platform. Secured access will only be provided to the registered individuals or representatives of the company.

In a typical 60-minute session, the ‘Expert’ (Facilitator) will invite the individual/company to speak briefly on the issue and this will be followed through by some questions by the facilitator. The facilitator will then provide some insights and directions, offer valuable tips, share useful resources, give guidance with technical aspects or facilitate a better understanding of the issue/problem that can lead to some recommendation of actionable plans and alternative solutions. The nature of the advisory will be dependent on each client and their unique situation.

Individuals/Companies will be required to send in their questions with sufficient background information, outline of the current situation and description of the issues/challenges they are facing. This should be submitted at least 7 days in advance to allow the subject matter experts ample time to review the scenario and prepare for the advisory session.

Ideally, the issue/problem is provided to the expert before the session, He/she will be able to facilitate and guide discussions with the individual/company, address the concerns and facilitate possible next action steps and solutions to these issues. The guided conversations will help the individual/company get better clarity and insights of their situation and bring in wider perspectives that will in turn generate multiple options for consideration.

For the one-on-ones, the session will seek to build greater leadership confidence, foster an innovative and change mindset to tackle the uncertain and unpredictable and maintain a strong mental health when making tough and excruciating choices.

If facilitated within the leadership team environment, the session can also be used to optimise team engagement and resilience through open deliberations on various scenario planning and assessment on what is mission-critical, prompting the necessary re-evaluation of strategies and plans, in light of the current context.

Each session can be used to address different issues/problems, or could also be structured as a follow-up from the previous session to monitor and review progress and movements on the strategic plans and roadmap set, especially in addressing any matters of concerns that has occurred during the implementation phase.

ICDM will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement with each Ask an Expert subscriber to ensure that the discussion content be kept confidential.

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