Director Development Pathway
The ICDM Director Development Pathway offers specialised Director Programmes aligned with corporate governance best practices and essential competencies, applicable to companies of all sizes and industries. These public programmes are accessible to both members and non-members, facilitate networking among directors from diverse backgrounds, providing valuable insights and real-time knowledge.
Start your directors journey early by exploring our 2024 Public Programme Calendar and customised programmes for your organisation through our Bespoke Programmes.
Mentoring & Coaching
Our experiential learning approach is further supported with group forums, targeted coaching and mentoring to provide more meaningful exchanges of thoughts, experience, tips, guidance, ideas and aspirations among the directors.
Chartered Director
The long-term plan of ICDM Director Development Pathway is to offer a Chartered Director qualification as the gold standard that represents world class professinalism and internationally recognised credentials.
The Chartered Director qualification will bring the professional standards to its highest level by looking into both technical competencies and cultural aspects.